Who We Are.
The Science Directorate at NASA’s Langley Research Center provides essential science leadership to NASA with decades of intellectual expertise in the areas of Atmospheric Composition, Air Quality, Earth’s Energy Budget and Lidar Remote Sensing that supports Earth science, planetary science and heliophysics.
Langley has built a capability in suborbital and ground-based research that has been in high demand since the Science Directorate’s initiation in the late 1960s.
SD Flight Projects enable ground-breaking science through spaceflight platforms with a 100% instrument success rate for on-orbit operations.
What We Do.
We are committed to delivering science that is balanced between Research & Analysis, technology development, airborne science and flight development.
We study atmospheres using active and passive remote sensing and in-situ measurements. Through our ground and flight hardware development, we infuse technology and gather science observations that produce knowledge, information and insight that informs policy and serves society. We create essential, global data records utilized by the international science community.
We provide and maintain capabilities to ensure effective and affordable delivery of that knowledge.
We support LaRC proposal teams as they prepare for, develop, and submit winning proposals. We work across all disciplines and Directorates, making the proposal process straightforward and efficient.
Our Earth Science research stretches across four main areas: Air Quality, Radiation and Climate, Atmospheric Composition and Active Remote Sensing. In these areas, we are involved in a number of scientific initiatives, including advanced instrument development, field and space-borne experiments and data retrieval, analysis and archival. We also take significant pride in our ability to receive and share scientific data through the Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC). We further extend our research to the public through our efforts in Science Education.
+ View the Lidar Timeline
+ View the Lidar Timeline
Our atmospheric research also contributes to planetary science, heliophysics & astrophysics through the design, development, modeling and simulation of Entry, Descent and Landing (EDL) systems for Earth and planetary bodies, and also through our research on space weather and atmospheres of Terrestrial Type Exoplanets and planets.
NASA Honor Awards
Individual Awards
James Crawford, Distinguished Service medal
Taylor Shingler, Early Career Achievement Medal
Claire Robinson, Early Career Achievement Medal
Lucia Lee, Exceptional Public Service Medal
Xu Liu, Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal
Pamela Rinsland, Exceptional Service Medal
Daniel Zhou, Exceptional Service Medal
Amin Nehrir, Exceptional Technology Achievement Medal
Group Achievement Awards
DEVELOP Software Carpentry Team, Silver Group Achievement Medal
Earthdata Forum Team, Group Achievement Award
Lawrence and Reid Paper Award
Michael Pitts, Lamont Poole & Ryan Gonzalez for “Polar Stratospheric Cloud Climatology Based on CALIPSO Space-Borne Lidar Measurements from 2006 – 2017”