GEO-CAPE Events: 2009 NASA-MEST Technical Group Meeting
NASA-MEST Technical Group for Geostationary Atmospheric Composition Measurements
NASA-HQ, Washington, D.C.
August 13, 2009 Meeting
Under the auspices of the MEST-NASA Bilateral for Cooperation in Civil Space and Aeronautics Activities, we propose to establish a Technical Group on Atmospheric Composition Measurements From Geostationary Satellites. The purpose of this working group is to identify mutually beneficial objectives that could be achieved over the next 3 years. The scope will include science, instrumentation, algorithms, calibration/validation, options for launch, societal benefit analysis, and data policies. Recommendations will be provided to the Earth Science co-chairs of the MEST-NASA Bilateral agreement for consideration of implementation.
NASA is hosting the initial meeting of this Technical Group on August 13 at the NASA Headquarters building, 300 E Street SW, Washington, DC. The meeting will include brief overview presentations of the MP-GEO and GEO-CAPE missions; informal discussion of current capabilities; and open roundtable discussion to identify opportunities and begin developing recommendations.
Conference Room 1Q39
8:30-9:00 Check-in, badging
9:00-9:30 Welcome and introductions
9:30-10:15 MP-GEO and GEO-CAPE mission overviews
10:15-10:45 Break
10:45-12:00 Instrumentation and retrieval capabilities
12:00-1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:15 Data systems, policies, and calibration/validation
2:15-3:00 Social benefit and applied science overviews
3:00-3:30 Break
3:30-4:30 Round-table: Identify collaborative areas and near-term priorities
4:30-4:45 Summary and next steps
4:45 Meeting adjourn
Presentations Listing (ordered by first listed author’s last name)
(Each link given below will open its respective document in a new window)
Al-Saadi, Jay — Overview of the NASA GEO-CAPE (GEOstationary Coastal ocean and Air Pollution Events) Mission [PDF]
Chance, Kelly — Optical Depths for Typical GEO Measurement Geometry [PDF]
Eom, Young Sook — Analyzing Social Benefit from GEMS (MP-GEO) [PDF]
Halprern, David — MEST-NASA Bilateral Meeting -Earth Science Session Summary [PDF]
Hilsenrath, Ernest — CEOS and ConstellationsMEST [PDF]
Kim, Jae Hwan — Issues on tropospheric ozone retrieval with geostationary satellite [PDF]
Kim, Jhoon — Planned GEO Mission in Korea for Air Quality Measurements : GEMS(Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer) [PDF]
Little, Alan — Figure 4 GEO TROPSAT constellation radial footprint dimension contour map. [PDF]
Little, Alan — Remote Sensing from Geostationary Orbit: GEO TROPSAT, A New Concept for Atmospheric Remote Sensing [PDF]
Liu, Xiong — Recommendations for the Geostationary UV Spectrometer [PDF]
Maiden, Martha — Earth Science Division: NASA-MEST Technical Group for Geostationary Atmospheric Composition Data Systems and Policies [PDF]
Neil, Doreen — Applied Sciences at NASA: Air Quality Program Overview [PDF]
Neil, Doreen — Infrared Measurements of Carbon Monoxide [PDF]
Republic of Korea, Ministry of Environment — Science objectives of Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Satellite Geostationary [PDF]
Sander, Stanley — Panspectral Fourier Transform Spectrometer (PanFTS) [PDF]