GEO-CAPE Events: 2009 Science Working Group Meeting
GEO-CAPE Science Working Group Meeting
22-24 Sept 2009
Columbia, MD
(Each link given below will open its respective document in a new window)
Click Here for a linked listing of posters associated with this meeting.
Meeting Goals :
1) Present current STMs for Atmosphere and Oceans.
2) Report on progress from FY09 activities.
3) Review status and requirements for KDP-A, and, in particular, establish pathway to developing preliminary mission concept(s)
4) Recommend and prioritize activities for FY10.
Tuesday, 22 September (Terrace Ballroom)
8:00 – 8:30 Registration
8:30 – 9:00 Plenary: Welcome, logistics, Goals for meeting [PDF – 4.23MB] (Al-Saadi, Bontempi)
9:00 – 11:30: Review Progress and Status by Discipline (O/A Working Groups)
9:00 – 10:00: Review progress of discipline working sub-groups, individual activities; mention relevant posters
10:00 – 10:30: Break (hang posters)
10:30 – 11:30: Finalize summary presentations of discipline activitiesfor full group (subgroup leads will have prepared drafts ahead of meeting)
11:30 – 12:30 Lunch Buffet available for purchase in Hotel
Science Traceability Matrices and FY09 Activities (Plenary)
12:30 – 2:30: Atmosphere Science Traceability Matrix and FY09 Activities/Key Findings
12:30: Atmosphere Science Traceability Matrix [PDF – 1.41MB] (Neil, Jacob)
1:15: Variability [PDF – 3.78 MB] (Mike Newchurch)
1:30: Retrieval sensitivity [PDF] (Annmarie Eldering)
1:45: OSSE progress reports [PDF – 6.51 MB] (NCAR/Edwards, Harvard/Zoogman, JPL/Eldering)
tbd: Highlights of posters which present IIP studies (60 sec per, pre-load one slide)
2:30 – 3:00: Break
3:00 – 5:00: Ocean Science Traceability Matrix & FY09 Activities/Key Findings
3:00: Spatial scales 1 [PDF – 2.99MB] 2 [PDF] (Steve Lohrenz)
3:15: Temporal scales [PDF – 2.15MB] (Joe Salisbury)
3:30: Requirements on signal sensitivity and saturation [PDF – 1.05MB] (Chuanmin Hu)
3:45: Atmospheric correction needs [PDF – 11.6MB] (Menghua Wang)
4:00: Instrument requirements & ACE ocean color specifications [PDF – 2.25MB] (Chuck McClain)
4:30: Oceans STM presentation (Antonio Mannino)
5:00 – 7:00: Posters (No-host bar available)
Wednesday, 23 September (Lakeview Ballrooom)
Approach to KDP-A (Plenary)
8:30 – 9:00: Decadal Survey Tier 2 Implementation: “What’s expected of us at the next decision point?” [PDF – 3.35MB] (Steve Neeck)
9:00 – 10:15: Evaluation of current state of knowledge on geostationary AQ/OC missions
9:00: Baseline mission study (Integrated Design Study #5) [PDF – 1.88MB] (Randy Kawa)
9:15: Pan-FTS single platform study [PDF – 4.82MB] (Key/Eldering)
Phased implementation alternatives:
9:30: Hosted payloads: Geo Quick Ride and GOES-R series [PDF – 1.39MB] (Caffrey)
9:45: GeoTrace [PDF – 4.69MB] (Neil)
10:00: Coastal Waters Imager [PDF – 3.61MB] (Mannino/DiGiacomo)
10:15 – 10:45: Break
10:45 – 12:15: Identify Biggest Challenges and Discuss near-term strategy to address top concerns [PDF]: (Eldering, Neil, Mannino, Bolton, Moe coordinating)
Maturity of Science Requirements
Single platform vs phased implementation launch (together or hosted payloads)
Operations plan/observing strategies: differences for single vs phased
Payload definition including needs for OSSES or Design Lab studies
GEO-CAPE Technology Investment Overview [PDF – 3.31MB] (Karen Moe)
12:15 – 1:30 Lunch Buffet available for purchase in Hotel
1:30 – 2:00: Atmospheric Correction and Aerosol Science Progress Reports [PDF – 1.52MB] (Torres/Chin)
2:00 – 2:30: Interdisciplinary & Synergistic Science objectives, discussion [PDF] (Jordan)
2:30 – 3:30: Other Missions relevant to GEO-CAPE
2:30: GOCI/GOCI II [PDF – 5.21MB] (Seongick Cho)
2:45: Other planned European (Sentinel) and Korean AQ/OC missions (Hilsenrath) [PDF]
3:00: GOES-R [PDF – 2.90MB] (Satya Kalluri)
3:15: ACE [PDF] (Bontempi)
3:30 – 4:00 End User Activities: NOAA [PDF – 1.34MB] (Kondragunta) and EPA [PDF] (Keating, Szykman)
4:00 – 4:30 break
4:30 – 6:30 Discipline Goals and Plans for FY10 (O/A Working Groups)
1) discussion of required mission concept studies, instrument studies, etc.
2) plan how to iterate with STM to fill in columns to the right
Thursday, 24 September (Lakeview Ballrooom)
8:30 –11:30: GEO-CAPE Activities for FY10 (Plenary)(including Coffee Break at 10:00)
1) Review discipline recommended studies from yesterday’s WG session
2) Discuss shared option decisions, e.g., platform
3) Identify overall priorities for FY10.
11:30 – 12:00: Summary, Feedback & Closing Comments (Al-Saadi, Bontempi)
Greenhouse gases as air pollutants: opportunities for GEO-CAPE Bowman, Kevin Jet Propulsion Laboratory
OSSEs and Assimilation – Bowman, Kevin Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Retrievals of Tropospheric O3, NO2, HCHO, and CHOCHO: Instrument Requirements for Continuous Pollution Monitoring from Space Chance, Kelly Harvard University
Quantifying How Geophysical Correlation Aids in Estimating Lower Tropospheric Ozone, if we Understand it Chatfield, Robert NASA Ames Research Center
Assessing Scales of Variability for Constituents Relevant to Future Geostationary Satellite Observations Crawford, Jim NASA Langley Research Center
Multispectral Retrieval of Near-Surface Carbon Monoxide by MOPITT Deeter, Merritt National Center for Atmospheric Research
The Sensitivity of Surface Ozone Formation as Inferred from OMI Formaldehyde and Nitrogen Dioxide Tropospheric Column Data Duncan, Bryan NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Detectability of Ozone and Carbon Monoxide in the Near-Infrared:
Implications for Measurements from GEO-CAPE Edwards, David National Center for Atmospheric ResearchScales of Variability Determined from Numerical Models and Airborne Measurements: Application to the Design of Atmospheric Chemistry Measurements from a Geostationary Platform Fishman, Jack NASA Langley Research Center
Spatial and Temporal Variability of Trace Gases over the Eastern United States Derived from Regional Model Output Follette-Cook, Melanie NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Mission Formulation Key, Richard Jet Propulsion Laboratory
A GEO-CAPE Instrument Concept, Operations and Some Performance Estimates Developed by the ESTO IIP Project IIP-04-0081 Tropospheric Infrared Mapping Spectrometers (TIMS) Kumer, Jack Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center
Implications of Solar Absorption Data in the 3.3 and 3.6 µm Region for Remotely Sensing Ozone Kumer, Jack Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center
CO2 Measurements with a Panchromatic Approach Lafont, Damien (presented by Kevin Bowman) Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Sensitivity to Tropospheric Ozone from Backscattered UV, UV Polarization, and Visible Measurements Liu, Xiong UMBC GEST
Ammonia and Methanol Measurements in the IR Luo, Ming (presented by Annmarie Eldering) Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Geophysical Data Requirements for AQ Satellite Missions: A Correlation Analysis Using Model Output Menard, Richard
Earth Science Technology Office Investments in Support of the GEO-CAPE Mission Moe, Karen NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
GEO-CAPE Technology Investments Moe, Karen NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
IIP for GEO-CAPE Neil, Doreen NASA Langley Research Center
10-Min Variations in PBL/FT Ozone from DIAL Measurements in Huntsville Newchurch, Michael University of Alabama, Huntsville
Overview of the NASA Langley Chemistry and Physics of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiment (CAPABLE): A Prototype Validation Site for GEO-CAPE
Pippin, Margaret (presented by Jack Fishman) NASA Langley Research CenterPanFTS IIP Instrument for GEO-CAPE: Year 1 Progress Sander, S. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Passive remote sensing of non-spherical dust particles and aerosol vertical profiles: preliminary studies and implications to the GEO-CAPE mission
Wang, Jun. University of Nebraska, LincolnAerosol Spatial and Temporal Variations in a Costal Area:
Implications for GEO-CAPE Measurements Yu, Hongbin. GEST UMBC, NASA GSFC