Jessica Taylor (NASA)
Title: Physical Scientist
Technical Focus Areas: Education & Public Outreach, Science Communication, Lidar Science
Mission/Project: Science Activation, The GLOBE Program, GLOBE Clouds, My NASA Data
Study Topics: Making NASA Earth science research and experiences available to all learners.
Jessica Taylor is a Physical Scientist at NASA Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA. She leads the Science Directorate’s Science Education team. This team engages teachers, students, and the public in authentic NASA science experiences. Jessica serves as the Principal Investigator for GLOBE Clouds and My NASA Data programs. Jessica loves her work because she helps make Earth science exciting and meaningful to everyone. Jessica received degrees in Meteorology, Finance, and Science Education for Florida State University. Prior to joining NASA, Jessica worked at the College of William and Mary’s STEM Education Alliance and served as Director for School Improvement at the Florida Department of Education.
Publication Bibliography:
Select Publications/Reports:
- Dodson, J. B., Robles, M. C., Rogerson, T. M., & Taylor, J. E. (2022). Do citizen science Intense Observation Periods increase data usability? A deep dive of the NASA GLOBE Clouds data set with satellite comparisons. Earth and Space Science, 9, e2021EA002058.
- Taylor, J. (2021) How to be an effective STEM Role Model. American Geophysical Union Blogosphere. (Invited)
- Colón Robles, M., Amos, H. M., Dodson, J. B., Bouwman, J., Rogerson, T. M., Bombosch, A., Farmer, L., & Taylor, J. E. (2020). Clouds around the world: How a simple data challenge became a worldwide success. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
- Dodson, J.B., Colón Robles, M.,Taylor J.E., DeFontes, C.C., Weaver K.L., (2019). Eclipse Across America: Citizen Science Observations of the 21 August 2017 Total Solar Eclipse. Journal of Applied Meteorology & Climatology.
- Hayden, L., Taylor, J., and Colon Robles, M., (2019). GLOBE: Connecting a Community of Observers Directly to NASA Satellites. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine, 7(1), 98-99.
- Rogerson, T.M., M. Colón Robles, J.E. Taylor, (2019) GLOBE Clouds Dataset v1.0, NASA Langley Research Center,
- Taylor, Jessica (2018) Elementary GLOBE Combining Literacy and Science Practices, The Earth Scientist, Volume XXXIV, Issue 1 Winter 2018, pages 6-9.
- NASA Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Medal, 2022
- NASA Day at Fort Lee for Afghan Evacuees, NASA Group Achievement Award, 2022
- The GLOBE Program, NASA Group Achievement Award, 2021
- American Meteorological Society (AMS) Louis J. Battan Authors’ Award, Elementary GLOBE storybook, “What’s Up in the Atmosphere: Exploring Colors in the Sky” (Taylor served as technical monitor for this book), 2021
- Robert H Goddard Exceptional Achievement, GLOBE Observer Outreach Team, 2021
- My NASA Data, NASA Group Achievement Award, 2020
- North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study Team, NASA Group Achievement Award, 2019
- Excellence in Mentoring, NIFS Internships Award, 2019
- Women of Color in STEM award for Educational Leadership, 2018
- Director’s Award for Leadership, Installation Honor Award, 2017
- GLOBE Observer, NASA Group Achievement Award, 2017
- Earth Right Now Communications Campaign, NASA Group Achievement Award, 2016
- NASA Early Career Achievement Medal, 2014
National/International Leadership:
- NASA Science Activation – Women & Girls in STEM, Co-Coordinator, 2017-present
- Alda Center’s Women in STEM Leadership Program, 2021
- AGU Sharing Science, selected 2020-2021 cohort
- SciGirls in Space Advisory Board, Member 2019-2022
- Science Museum of Virginia, Science Advisory Board, 2018-2020
- GLOBE International Education Working Group, elected Chair, 2016-2019
Professional Memberships:
- American Geophysical Union
- American Meteorological Society
- National Science Teaching Association
- American Camp Association
Education/Professional Experience:
- Graduate Certificate in Diversity & Inclusion from Cornell University
- Degrees in Science Education, Meteorology, and Finance from Florida State University
Virtual Presentations:
- Ask SME with Jessica Taylor
- How is Cloud Watching Helpful for Science?
- How Can Women be Successful in STEM Career?
- Super Heroes of Science Interview
- Cloud Science
Related Webpages:
I enjoy dancing, going to the beach, and spending time with family and friends