Matthew Little (Contractor)
Title: Scientific/Data Analyst
Technical Focus Area: Climate Science
Mission/Project: CLARREO Pathfinder
Study Topics: Climate science, meteorology, atmospheric science, remote sensing.
Matthew is an individual contributor under ADNET, serving as the data analyst on the CLARREO Pathfinder (CPF) mission at NASA Langley Research Center. In this role, he performs studies related to intercalibration between CPF and target satellite instruments, such as GOES-16 ABI, VIIRS, and CERES instruments. He helps quantify inter-instrument radiance differences due to spatial and temporal mismatch noise, has created a data filter implementation logic based on science-backed parameter thresholds, and has applied a sunglint probability estimation algorithm and filter to reduce this noise. Before joining ADNET and NASA, he adapted and operated atmosphere, ocean, and climate models in high-performance computing environments, was a forest hydrologist with the USDA Forest Service, and supported meteorology education programs and competitions.
Publication Bibliography:
- MS in Geography (focus in Atmospheric Science), from East Carolina University, Greenville, NC
- MS in Meteorology and Minor in Mathematics from San Jose State University, San Jose, CA
- Certificate in Computer Programming (Web Development) from Austin Community College, Austin, TX
Professional Memberships:
- American Meteorological Society
- American Geophysical Union
- National Weather Association
Matthew enjoys building and repairing personal computers, 10-pin bowling, and running in his personal time.