Seung-Hee Ham (NASA)
Title: Research Physical Scientist
Technical Focus Area: Climate Science
Mission/Project: CERES
Study Topics: Producing computed radiance products using the 1D and 3D radiative transfer modeling using the satellite-derived cloud and aerosol properties, Merging cloud properties from space-born Lidar, radar and passive imager, Simplified radiative transfer equation derivation, Analysis of satellite and reanalysis products.
Seung-Hee received a bachelor’s degree in atmospheric science in 2004 and a Ph. D. degree in satellite meteorology in 2010 at Seoul National University, South Korea. Then she moved to the US in 2011 to start her NASA postdoctoral program to research about the three-dimensional radiative transfer modeling in cloudy atmospheres to support the CERES Surface and Atmospheric Radiation Budget (SARB) project. After finishing the postdoctoral program, she worked as a NASA contractor about 10 years and joined a federal service in 2024. Her expertise is analysis of cloud and radiation satellite products, merging cloud properties from multi-sensor satellite products, radiative transfer modeling, and derivation of simplified radiative equations.
Notable Awards:
- International Radiation Commission (IRC) Young Scientist Award, 2022
Publication Bibliography:
Select Publications:
- Ham, S.-H., N. G. Loeb, S. Kato, T. Thorsen, A. Voigt, W. L. Smith, Jr., and D. Winker, 2024: Zonal Cloud Trends Observed by Passive MODIS and Active CALIOP and CPR Sensors, J. Appl. Meteo. Clim., Under review.
- Ham, S.-H., S. Kato, F. G. Rose, S. Sun-Mack, Y. Chen, W. F. Miller, and R. C. Scott, 2022: Combining Cloud Properties from CALIPSO, CloudSat, and MODIS for Top-of-Atmosphere (TOA) Shortwave Broadband Irradiance Computations: Impact of Cloud Vertical Profiles, J. Appl. Meto. Clim.,
- Ham, S.-H., S. Kato, F. G. Rose, N. G. Loeb, K.-M. Xu, T. Thorsen, M. G. Bosilovich, S. Sun-Mack, Y. Chen, and W. F. Miller, 2021: Examining Cloud Macrophysical Changes over the Pacific for 2007–2017 Using CALIPSO, CloudSat, and MODIS Observations, J. Appl. Meto. Clim., 60, 1105–1126,
- Ham, S.-H., S. Kato, and F. G. Rose, 2020: Biases in Diurnally-Integrated Shortwave Irradiances Due to Two- and Four-Stream Approximations in Cloudy Atmosphere, J. Atmos. Sci., 77 (2): 551–581,
- Ham, S.-H., S. Kato, and F. G. Rose, 2019: Impacts of Partly Cloudy Pixels on Shortwave Broadband Irradiance Computations, J. Atmos. Ocea. Tech., 36(3), 369-386.
- Ham, S.-H., S. Kato, F. G. Rose, D. Winker, T. L’Ecuyer, G. G. Mace, D. Painemal, S. Sun-Mack, Y. Chen, and W. F. Miller, 2017: Cloud Occurrences and Cloud Radiative Effects (CREs) from CERES-CALIPSO-CloudSat-MODIS (CCCM) and CloudSat Radar-Lidar Products, J. Geophys. Res., 122, 8852–8884, doi: 10.1002/2017JD026725.
- Ham, S.-H., S. Kato, F. G. Rose, 2017: Examining Impacts of Mass-Diameter (m-D) and Area-Diameter (A-D) Relationships of Ice Particles on Retrievals of Effective Radius and Ice Water Content from Radar and Lidar Measurements, J. Geophys. Res., 122, 3396–3420, doi: 10.1002/2016JD025672.
- Ham, S.-H., S. Kato, F. G. Rose, 2016: Correction of ocean hemispherical spectral reflectivity for longwave irradiance computations, J. Quant. Spec. Rad. Trans., 171, 57–65, doi: j.jqsrt.2015.12.003
- Ham, S.-H., S. Kato, H. W. Barker, F. G. Rose, and S. Sun-Mack, 2015: Improving the modeling of shortwave radiation through the use of a 3D scene construction algorithm, Quarterly J. Royal Meteo. Soc., 141(690), 1870–1883, DOI: 10.1002/qj.2491.
- Ham, S.-H., S. Kato, H. W. Barker, F. G. Rose, and S. Sun-Mack, 2014: Effects of 3D Clouds on Atmospheric Transmission of Solar Radiation: Cloud Type Dependencies inferred from A-train Satellite Data, J. Geophys. Res., 119, DOI: 10.1002/2013JD020683